22 September 2020

Excerpt Of Lt. Colonel Butler's Letter To Captain Mathews

Lieutenant Colonel John Butler To Captain Robert Mathews
Niagara   22 September 1781

I enclose you the muster roll of the 10th Company of Rangers... .  I also enclose you a list of articles which will be requisite for the farmers.

The Corps of Rangers being now completed to a battalion of ten companies, I should think the 10th
Company would be proper to the Lieutenant Colonel's, with a Captain-Lieutenant instead of a
Captain. However, I submit the whole to His Excellency, the Commander-in-Chief. 

I have applied to Brigadier General Powell for leave for Captain Butler to go to Canada for a few weeks to settle bills for the payment of the clothing, arms, &c, for the Rangers lately arrived from England, as he, having transacted all the business, none will be so able to arrange them so well as him; and finally, settling his former accounts as Paymaster will require his being down a few weeks this fall.

*We learn from Detroit that Captain Joseph Brant, being advanced with a party some way ahead of Captain Thompson and Mckee, fell in with a party from Clarke's army, attacked and defeated them before Thompson and McKee got up to him. He killed 37 and made 64 of the rebels prisoners. This, I hope, will put an end to all Clarke's views in that quarter, and may probably subject him to the fate this party met with.
British Library. Sloane and Additional Manuscripts, Add MSS 21765, Correspondence with Officers
at Niagara, 1777-1784; National Archives of Canada, Haldimand Collection, microfilm reel number

*Known as Lochry's Defeat

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