13 April 2019

Samuel Sprague Killed With Fannin

Coleman County, Texas
Deed# A-236 [Image 205]
24 August 1854

State of Pennsylvania
County of Allegheny

Know that I, William P. Sprague by letter of attorney...appointed Darwin M. Stapp of Victoria County and State of Texas...to settle with the Govt. of Texas all matters pertaining to the claim and interests...in consideration of the services to my deceased brother Samuel Sprague who was killed with Fannin in the Army of the State Republic of Texas...

Deposition by John Wood in support of William Sprague's claim (A-239).  Wood stated that "his [Samuel Sprague's) mother was my sister...".  Samuel Sprague left Allegheny County, Pennsylvania in 1834.  [Wood] saw letters in Samuel's handwriting dated from Texas. His last letter was written about three days before he expected to in battle (he was in the Army of Texas under Captain Fanning).  It was rumored that Samuel was taken prisoner and shot.  His mother, my sister, married Samuel Sprague, Sr., by whom she had two children (Samuel and William).  Both parents of Samuel and William are dead. Samuel was never married.  Capt. John Wood, Sr.

H.R. Runnels, Governor, granted the heirs of Samuel Sprague 960 acres of land (A-242) in Coleman County on the waters of Hords/Home Creek (also Jim Ned Creek)


All in the family: A Wood/Sprague Court Case here.

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