14 April 2019

John R. H. Acklin's Affidavit

Document held at the Alabama Archives; "Affadivit related to the case of State vs. William Morgan (alias Lemuel Reddin)."

10 May 1820

State of Alabama
Madison County

John R. H. Acklin
"William Saunders, and Bird Brandon, being duly sworn....and first these deponents Acklin V. Saunders for themselves say that on or about the 21st of February last, they lost two horses which were kept in a stable, that they occupied in common; that circumstances induced them to believe they were stolen by a man calling himself William Morgan, who had a short time previously been discharged from the jail of said county, on a Habeas Corpus - Information having been received that said Morgan had been arrested and committed to the jail of Maury County, Tennessee.  These deponents Acklin and Bird Brandon pursued him to that place where they found him detained in prison under the name of Lemuel Reddin which is his real name."

Note: They recovered the horses in Maury County, Tennessee, from a Mr. Williams and a Mr. Kirk to whom Mr. Reddin loaned said horses.

John. R. H. Acklin was the son of Samuel Black Acklin and Elizabeth (Hunt) Acklin.  Elizabeth was the daughter of the John Hunt who was the founder of Huntsville, Madison County, Alabama.

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