05 August 2018

Best Soldier Andrew Jackson Had Ever Known

Note: See earlier post from A biography of General Davie (1756 - 1820) which was found in the Magazine Of America here.

"August 5, an attack was ordered upon Hanging Rock by Colonel Sumter, who commanded in person the eight hundred troops engaged in the expedition. Of these, five hundred were North Carolinians commanded by Colonel Irwin and Major Davie."

"It is worthy of note that on this ride to the attack at Hanging Rock, by Davie's side rode as guides conversant with the roads, and of undoubted courage and patriotism, two country lads — brothers, respectively aged fifteen and thirteen years — the younger of whom was Andrew Jackson."

Andrew Jackson Statue In New Orleans

"Long years after, in the retirement of the Hermitage, he said that Davie was the best soldier he had ever known, and that his own best lessons in the art of war had been learned from him."

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