22 April 2014

General Meade's Preference

General George Gordon Meade

From The Tiernan And Other Families book:

Richard W. Meade, who was so prominent in Spain during the Napoleonic Wars, received his mercantile education in Luke Tiernan's office, and the two families were united by the strongest of friendship.  Rev. John Ryder, S.J., and Miss Margaret Meade were God Father and God Mother to Gay B., daughter of Charles Tiernan.

Miss Salvadora Meade used to call Mrs. Somerville, "Sister."  She writes to Henry Vernon Somerville:

Washington, April 6, 1835:

"My brother George graduates at West Point in June.  He is unwilling to stay in the Army, and prefers the active life of a farmer.  Mamma approves of his choice, and is anxious to arrange matters immediately."

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