14 November 2011

Saloueh - Chief At Estatoe

While collecting information about Alexander Cameron, an Indian agent in the South, for my "Cameron Collections" blog I found that Alexander had an Indian wife (perhaps Molly).  Was Saloueh Cameron's father-in-law?  Possibly. 

From "The History of Georgia..."

Influenced by Stuart and Cameron the Creek and Cherokee Indians exhibited a threatening attitude.  For the patriots the present was dark indeed and the future fraught with apprehension...

Saloueh was mentioned in "Indian biography..." written in 1832:

And now the war grew fervid. Saloueh* and Fiftoe had sworn vengeance over the ashes of their homes...

Saloue(h)* in An Historical Accounty of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies...cried out "I am for war....".

Governor Dinwiddie's message to Salouke, is found below.  From Collections of the Virginia Historical Society, the Dinwiddie Papers:

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