24 July 2013

Citizen By Treaty

"The transfer of allegiance in pursuance of the terms of Jay's treaty created a peculiar state of affairs at Detroit, which is difficult to understand and still more difficult to explain. The treaty had provided a method by which persons might become citizens of the United States, but no mode was pointed out by which they could stay in Detroit and remain British subjects." 

"Only one person so far as the records show took the oath of allegiance. This was William McClure, gentleman, who took his oath "as a residenter of Detroit" in conformity to the provisions of Jay's treaty. It was not, however, at this time supposed to be necessary to take any formal action whatever in order to become naturalized. It was decided by our state supreme court, in the case of Crane vs Reeder, that if a person resided in Detroit at the time this treaty took effect and did not file a remonstrance against becoming a citizen, he became naturalized by virtue of the treaty." Source

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