30 August 2022

Willm. Backhouse, Cutler

     LIST OF CUTLERS, 1624-30. (Source)

                        Compiled from list of Marks granted 1624 to 1630.       
Where no date is given, 1624 or 1625 must be assumed; sh. means shearsmiths (which included sickle-smiths); sc. scissorsmiths; all others are cutlers, a term specially applied to knlfe makers,
from whom razormakers were not distinguished.

Backhouse, or Bakehouse Robte,      Carlton Will., 1626.          Dore Robte. the younger.
    of Whittenton.                  Carr ffrs.                               Dore Tho., of Brlghtslde.
Backhouse Willm.              Carr George.                         Drabble Nicholas.

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