03 August 2022

Dear Cousin Letter Of August 3rd 1807

Archibald McMillan and family fonds : H-1099 (Image 251):

Montreal 3 August (1807) 

 My dear Cousin

I wrote you some time ago on a subject which I was sure would afford you pleasure--this time I am sorry to have to mention something of a different nature - I mean the conduct of Donald which you would have heard before now by his Brother John with whom I intened to write to you had he not left this unknown to me
John wished to take little Sandy along with him but the Boy himself was averse to it until his month was out in school till he heard from you which I thought was proper and if you desire it I shall be on the lookout...here or in Quebec... .  I would have taken him into my own house when *Donald went away but that it would be confirming Donald's creditors in an opinion which they wished and tried to establish that I was connected with him in business--this idea probably Donald wished to convey to them with a ? to get credit--but luckily for me I kept clear of him. Indeed I was always afraid he was doing no good but I never imagined his affairs would turn out quite as bad as they did.  I have no news to communicate to you--I have not heard this year from the highlands....with best respects to you and Mrs. McMillan and your brother and family believe me

My dear Cousin,

*Note: May be Donald Cameron

Cross-posted at Cameron Collections

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