26 December 2022

Excerpt From Hugh Heward's Journal

In a 1790 journal, fur trader Hugh Heward noted that the residence of Sans Craint or Sanscrant, a trader, was about 140 miles up the Huron from its mouth; about 50 miles further, there was an Indian village. Other American records place Sanscrainte not only in proximity to the Potawatomi of Huron, but also show that he interacted with them. In 1794-1795, Bad Bird, an Ottawa 11 chief from Michilimackinac (L'Arbre Croche,) and a Frenchman who lived at Detroit, Baptiste Sanscrainte, were employed by General Anthony Wayne to invite Indians to Greenville, Ohio, for treaty negotiations. In March 1795, these two men went with the trader McKenzie to Kalamazoo, to meet with a general rendevous of the Indians at Muskegon in the spring.  [Source]

This blogger was following in Heward's path as seen in Heward's journal.

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