23 December 2022

William Trousdale In Florida

Source (LOC) Pensacola (1815)

The regiment to which he belonged joined General Jackson early in November, 1814, and, on the 6th day of that month the army moved against Pensacola, Florida... . On the day following the town was stormed and taken. While the fight was progressing in the streets the advance of our troops was checked at one point by a gun which raked a street, dealing death in its ranks.  In this emergency, William Trousdale, with several other daring spirits, rushed rapidly forward in the face of the enemy's fire, drove the gunners from the deadly piece, captured it, and thus removed the obstacle which had stopped the progress of our men. (Source)


Trousdale in Florida:


See Other Trousdale References At Links

...the 2d regiment, under the command of Colonel Trousdale, advanced to attack the Indian and negro settlements in that vicinity. They found all the towns abandoned, and discovered large trails of the enemy leading to the east and northeast. A negro, captured in one of the houses, reported that they had fled to the Wahoo swamp. The Tennesseans burnt three large towns, which were built of hewn logs, and appeared to have been constructed during the last spring and summer.  (Source)

and here:

Source (LOC) Fort Drane

Headquarters, Fort Drane, October 19, 1836. 
Sir : I had the honor, on the 10th inst., to inform you of my contemplated march to the Withlacoochie. 
On the evening before my arrival, Colonel Randall, the adjutant and inspector general, was ordered, with Major Upshan, of the Tennessee brigade,- to advance with the spies under command of Captains Lauderdale and Wilson, and the front guard under command of Colonel Trousdale, and select an encampment about four miles from the river. In the performance of this duty, they surprised a party of the enemy, killed ten warriors, and captured eleven women and children. 

Trousdale's Regiment At Fort Mitchell (Alabama, enroute to Florida).

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