12 September 2019

Not Caught On The Brink Of A Precipice

Source - Watkins Glen

"We have a legend here in the valley, located at Fall Brook. A respectable writer says, where this stream plunges a hundred feet down a dizzy chasm, General Sullivan, after one of his battles with the Indians, drove many of his dusky foes, covering the rocks below with their mutilated bodies. This
same exploit has been located at Watkins glen and at Niagara, but the truth is, it never occurred, as the Indians knew the country too well to be caught on the brink of a precipice; besides, Sullivan came into this valley after the ambush of a portion of his force near the head of Conesus lake, on their return from a reconnoitering expedition, and no Indians were found in the vicinity. In his report of his march no mention is made of such an exploit. Yet this in some minds is history." [Source]

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