18 August 2019

Allan McDonald And Lake Erie

McDonald Allan Lake Erie 1795 327 M 1 115 RG 1 L3 C-2190

The Petition of Allan McDonald
late sergeant in Col. Butler's Rangers
humbly sheweth

That your Petitioner has received 400 acres of land, as part of the 500 His Majesty has been graciously pleased to allow...and that he has a wife and seven children who have never received any land

That your Petitioner has made an improvement on Lake Erie -- about twelve miles on this side of Patterson Creek where he has about 10 acres cleared...Co. Gordon and the Hon. Robt. Hamilton...

Your Excellency will be pleased to grant him 200 acres adjoining said improvement...for his family...

18 August 1795

[Cover document indicated a possible entry on P. 315 Land Book A] Found in the Upper Canada Land Books, Reel C-101, Image 50

Land Book A, Page 315

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