09 July 2019

Objective Of General W. Sooy Smith

To explain the causes that led up to the expedition of General A. J. Smith to Tupelo, Miss., July, 1864, upon which expedition it was the ill-fortune of the author [Dr. Jesse Hawes] to be made a captive, let us go back and glance at the Confederate and Federal operations in the Mississippi Valley during that spring and summer.

Cannon In Vicksburg, Mississippi

Previous to the middle of July there certainly was little for the Federal forces to be proud of. An expedition, under command of General W. Sooy Smith, starting from near Memphis, Tenn., moved south along the Mobile and Ohio Railroad until it arrived at West Point, Miss. Its objective point was Meridian, Miss., nearly one hundred miles farther south, where General W. T. Sherman had already arrived from Vicksburg. [Cahaba]

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