28 June 2019

Samuel Hartwell And Stephen Hartwell

Upper Canada Sundries, C-4508:

Image 646 (also see Image 649)

...Niagara...they were from the U. States, and had been about 10 years residents in this country before the present war.  Immediately on the Declaration of War they fled to the United States, leaving their wives, and families here--They were taken by Gen'l Brock in arms at Detroit, and not being known to be subjects...

Samuel Hartwell and Stephen Hartwell -- see Samuel Hartwell at Wikitree

"Their children were Samuel, Elizabeth, Amy, Stephen, Joseph, Elijah, Mercy, Moses, and Aaron. Samuel was supposed to have been drowned in Niagara River. He and his brother Stephen were taken prisoners at Hull's Surrender of Detroit and tried for high treason as British subjects. They were condemned to be hung, but during a respite of the sentence each separate escaped and endured great hardships and suffering in getting back to the protection of their country's flag. The mother made the most heroic efforts to save her sons from the hard fate which seemed to await them, but did not succeed in getting a reprieve for them. Samuel broke jail at Kingston. Stephen passed his guards at another point and both had noteworthy adventures in eluding a recapture." [Source]

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