22 May 2019

Mary Philipse, Roger Morris And George Washington


Roger Morris, of New York, was a captain in the British army, in the French war, and one of the aides of the ill-fated Braddock. He married Mary, daughter of Frederick Phillipse, Esq., and settled in New York.

Roger Morris And Source

A part of the Phillipse estate was in possession of Colonel Morris in right of his wife, and was confiscated. Imagination, says Sabine,  dwells upon the attainting of a lady whose beauty and attractions had won the admiration of Washington*.

*An interesting incident occurred in the early life of Mrs. Morris — no other than that Washington desired to become her suitor... . He...was careful to entrust his secret to a confidential friend, whose letters kept him informed of every important event. In a few months intelligence came that there was a rival in the field, and that consequences could not be answered for if he delayed to renew his visits to New York.  He never saw the lady again, till she was married to that same rival, Captain Morris, his former associate in arms, and one of Braddock'a aide-de-camps. [Text - Loyalists Of America, Page 200]

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