02 April 2019

Manley C. White, Sultana Survivor

Sultana Monument In Knoxville, Tennessee

"The following was written by M. C. White, now of Hartford, Mich.: 'I lay asleep on the hurricane deck, aft of the wheel-house, on the Arkansas side, and was not hurt by the explosion. I first thought that a rebel battery had fired on us, and a shell had exploded on board. Officers gave orders to remain quiet, for the boat was going ashore ; but little attention was paid to these orders, as it was soon evident that every one must look out for himself, as the boat immediately took fire.'" [Source]

Manley C. White of the 8th Michigan Cavalry

Hartford village, Van Buren, Michigan, United States
Manley C White Head M 54 New York
Eliza A White Wife F 50 Michigan

He died on July 9, 1930. Eliza A. (Golden) White died 7 January 1935.

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