11 October 2016

Isaac Ruddle, A Prisoner On Hog Island

Source - Ca. 1783

In 1780 De Peyster was instructed to take possession of the island and put expert farmers on it and cultivate it for the garrison. Two families only were placed on the island/ as it contained only 738 acres and much of it was reserved as a run for the King's cattle.

 One of the farmers was Capt. Isaac Ruddle, who had been taken prisoner by Capt. Bird on one of his incursions into the Ohio country, and had been placed on the island by De Peyster, on the recommendation of Bird.

Ruddle remained quietly on the island till the fall of 1782, when he heard of an expected change of prisoners and obtained the permission of De Peyster to go to Quebec in hope of being exchanged. [Source]

Source - Belle Isle

Hog Island in the Detroit River is now known as Belle Isle.

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