13 September 2015

Civil War Battle Locations Around Chattanooga

The Campaign For Chattanooga:

The Chickamauga bounds the field on the south and east. The western boundary is the Crawfish Springs road to Macfarlands Gap. The Lafayette road runs from south to north through the center of the field, while the road from Jay's mill on the east to Brotherton's and westward divides it into nearly equal north and south areas.  Passing down the Chickamauga from Lee & Gordon's mill... .

Corner Of Lee And Gordon In The Village Of Chickamauga, Georgia

The following table of distances by the roads will serve to fix the relative positions of prominent points on the various fields:

Lee & Gordon's mill to— Miles.
Brotherton's 2. 54
Rossville 8. 04
Chattanooga 12. 04
Lafayette 13. 90

Also see the blog post, Securing Lookout Valley.

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