Mr. Albert William Stross, 63, 435 Calhoun Pl., died Sunday in a local hospital.
Born in San Francisco, he moved to Orlando in 1947 from Scottsville, Va. He was a painter in the construction industry for many years and was a World War I veteran of the U.S. Navy. He attended the Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nella V. Seay Stross, Orlando; one son, William Aron Strossn New Orleans, La.; and three grandchildren.
W. Guy Black Home for Funerals is in charge.
Note: When Albert W. Stross (born 6 May 1895) submitted a WWII draft registration card in 1942 he was living in Cleveland, Ohio, and was a machine assembler for the A. P. Schraner Company.
United States Census, 1900
name: Albert Stross
event place: ED 177 Precinct 14 San Francisco city Ward 38, San Francisco, California, United States
birth date: May 1895
birthplace: California
relationship to head of household: Son
father's birthplace: Germany
mother's birthplace: Germany
race or color (standardized): White
gender: Male
marital status: Single
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head William Stross M 30 Germany
wife Amelia Stross F 27 Germany
son Albert Stross M 5 California
son Emil Stross M 1 California
I do love this kind of research where you can find out information about everyday people through their online genealogy records (census/military/directories etc).
Even about total strangers - it's all interesting to me :)
Hi Debbie, thanks for the comment. I subscribed to your Franklin Co., IL, obits page since I have ancestors who lived in southern Illinois (mostly Saline, Gallatin, Pope and White counties). Like you, I'm interested in the lives of total strangers, too!
Cathy at palmsrv
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