Sibley Taylor, his first wife, and his children lived near Oscoda, Iosco Co., Michigan, in the late 1800's. Jim and I lived in Oscoda for a few years in the 1990's. We bought what was thought to be our retirement home shortly after Wurtsmith AFB closed in Oscoda, but sold the little cottage near Lake Huron so we could live full time in our RV motorhome and travel the country unencumbered.
View of Oscoda, Michigan (from postcards). Our old house is in the picture:

Before the move to Iosco Co, Sibley G. Taylor lived in Ann Arbor:
1870 MI Washtenaw, Ann Arbor
Taylor, Sibley G., 29, lawyer, b. NY
", Sophronia L., 27, keeps house, b. MI
", Carrie L., 5, b. MI
", Gilbert L., 4, b. MI
1880 MI Iosco Co., Tawas
Taylor, Sibley G., self, 40, NY, Lawyer, Eng NH
“ , Saphronia, wife, 38, MI NY NY “, Carrie L., daughter, 10, MI NY MI
“, Gilbert R., son, 14, MI NY MI
“, George S., son, 9 “
“, Laroy D., son, 9m, “
Didn't find when Saphronia Taylor died, but the kids are listed in the Probate index of Iosco Co. (transcribed by the Huron Shores Gen. Soc.) here.
As an attorney, Sibley Taylor is also listed in indexes regarding court proceedings in Iosco County here.
The Taylors are listed in extracted items from the Tawas (Iosco Co.) newspapers (Huron Shores G.S.) here.
Found at was a listing for the marriage of Henrietta Eickhoff and Sibley G. Taylor in Grayling, Crawford Co., Michigan, on 18 September 1895.
Additional information, including this (Mr. and Mrs. C. EICKHOFF are the grandparents to a young preacher, born to Rev. and Mrs. S. G. TAYLOR, on the 10th inst. (28 Aug 1902)) was gleaned from the online transcriptions of the newspaper, Avalanche, of Grayling, Crawford County, Michigan, found here.
In 1900, the Sibley Taylor family lived in Shiawassee Co., Michigan.
1900 MI Shiawassee, Perry
Taylor, S.G., head, July 1840, married 5 yrs, NY Eng CT, clergyman
", H.E. wife, Nov 1869, m5, Nov 1869, 1child/1living, NY Ger NY
", Ruth F., daughter, Aug 1897, MI NY NY
", Leroy D., son, Aug 1880, MI NY MI, laborer
The death of Sibley Taylor was listed here in the Iosco Co. index (by HSGS).
Taylor, Sibley G 65y11m13d 1906 24
Henrietta Taylor is living in Flint, Genesee Co., Michigan, next to her parents in 1910, as a widow with children Ruth, Emma and Charles.
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