The Franklin County, TN, Historical Society's library is in the basement of the county library
There are vertical files for various families, including the Domingus File. There are cards, cross-indexed, and that's how I found the "Pattie" information in the Domingus file. [Thornton Pattie married an Acklin, and Acklin is a name I research]
Pedigree from Mrs. Naomi Patti Domingus of Silver Spring, MD, submitted in 1980
Naomi, b. 13 Dec 1913 Cowan, Franklin Co., TN
m. 1934
Howard Domingus
Eva Farris, b. 20 Apr 1894, Franklin Co., TN; d. 5 May 1963, Silver Spring, MD
Father: Dock Baltimore Farris, b. TN; d. Columbus, OH -- death certificate can be found online
Mother: Anna Bowman, d. Columbus, OH [her death certificate can also be found online]
[Note: A quick registration may be needed to access this database where the death records are online [the actual records!] which is still being developed and in "beta" testing. Many people are volunteering to transcribe records in order to put them online at that site which is affiliated with this site. ]
Mildred Acklin
m. 5 Feb 1813
Eleanor Kincheloe
A brief look at one of the newspapers on microfilm found this item regarding the PATTIE family from July 21, 1859:
Index of Loose Records – Franklin Co., TN
Requests need time period, name and file number -
Crockett, Davy/David 006, 036A
Estill, Isaac Sr., 012
Estill, L. H. 013
Estill, Wallace….lots of them
Rice, Therdrick, 040
Word, Enoch, 039
Farriss, Cornelius, 043
Farris, Richard, 030
Hayes, Oliver B., 022
Hines, Isaac T., 043
Acklen, James V., 120
Acklen, William, 059
Crockett, David, 110
Crockett, Elizabeth, 110
Crockett, Samuel, 034
Powers, Holaway
Nabors, Littleberry
Acklen, Joseph B., 153
Acklen, Oswald, 204, 400
Acklen, Fran__, 311
Acklen, Irvin, 001
Acklen, Luke, 001
Acklen, Luke P., 356
Acklen, William, 003
Byrom, Green H., 039
Greer, Polly, 083
Greer, Robert, 083
Greer, Thomas, 083
Greer, William, 083
Rice, Clairborne, 244?
Rice, G.W., 353
McKenzie, James, 258
Acklen, O.F., 274
Bandy, Reuben, 010, 151, 160, 205
Dollarhide, Averine, 303
Dollarhide, Cornelius, 303
Dollarhide, Elizabeth, 303
Dollarhide, Henry H., 303
Dollarhide, Jane, 303
Dollarhide, Nancy, 303
Dollarhide, Ruthy, 303
Dollarhide, Sarah (dec’d), 303
Dollarhide, Serena, 303
Dollarhide, Susannah, 303
Dollarhide, Wiley, 303
Dollarhide, William, 303
Dollarhide, P.D., 391
Dollarhide, Thomas F., 047
Hinds, Samuel A., 183
Hinds, Talitha, 183
Hinds, Isaac, 184
Hinds, Isaac, 170
Pattie, Ellen, 415
Pattie, James D., 298
Pattie, James D., dec’d, 415
Pattie, T.S., 415
Pattillo, R.P., dec’d?, 436
Rice, Fielden, 057
Rice, Fielden, 185
Rice, Fielden, 337
Acklen, Ben, 786
Acklen, Issac, 786
Acklen, J. M., 002
Acklen, J.M., 1073
Pattie, Thornton S., 986
Pattie, T.S., 757
Addendum to Index of Loose Papers
Supplements 1800-1829
Acklin, Alexander S., 036A
Acklin, William, 001A
Acklin, William, 009A
Nabors, Charles, 024A
Nabors, Charles, Jr., 036A
Nabors, Fleet, 036A
Nabors, Lewis, 027 (is there supposed to be an “A”?)
Nabors, Thomas, 036A
Richmond, Isaac 011A
Richmond, Isaac 0242A
Richmond, Isaac, 036A
Loose Court Records
1880 – 1889
See Xerox copy above - these extracts written on the back of the Xerox copy
Pattie, Prof, 0667
Pattie, F.A., 0214
Pattie, J.W., 0480, 0667
Pattie, John, 0449, 0795, 0853, 0897
Pattie, John W., 0707A, 0881, 1256
Pattie, Mildred V., 0882
Pattie, Owen, 0331
Pattie, T. S., 0213K, 0478, 0707A, 0727A, 0917, 1044, 1198, 1263, 1271
Pattie, Thornton, 0007, 0882, 1188
Rice, Amanda, 0272 (or 222)
Rice, B. M., 0213N, 0216, 0800
Rice, C.C., 0216
Rice, Clairborn, 0400
Rice, D. C., 0025, 0178, 0255, 0290, etc
Rice, David, 0216
Rice, David C., 0968
Rice, Fielding, etc…..
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