16 November 2012

The Askin & Grant Cousins Of Detroit

John Askin was an extensive trader at Detroit and brother-in-law of [Alexander] Grant. Grant lived at Grosse Pointe and there had a castle well filled with young lady daughters. There were ten in all of whom nine grew to womanhood, Therese (Mrs. Wright) Nellie, Archange (married Thomas Dickson), Phillis (married Alexander Duff), Isabella (married Mr Gilkison) Nancy (married George Jacob) Elizabeth (married James Woods) Mary Julia (married Mr. Milles) and Jean Cameron (married William Richardson).

The absence of any of the ten from the family circle could hardly be noticed for the deficiency was filled by the cousins, daughters of John Askin. Of these cousins frequent visitors at the Grant Castle there were Adelaide Askin (afterwards the wife of Elijah Brush), Therese (who married Colonel Thomas McKee), Ellen (the wife of Richard Pattinson), and Archange who became Mrs Meredith and removed to England with her husband who was an officer in the British forces. [Source]

From the Askin Papers:  Charles Andrew Barthe was the father-in-law of both John Askin and Alexander Grant. 
Dr. John Robert Richardson, profiled here, married John Askin's daughter Madeleine.

The Grants and Askins in Niagara Historical papers.

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