08 May 2010

NY Genealogical and Biographical Society's Publication Online at Archive.org

There are over two million volumes online from various sources at archive.org.

Here is a link to an example of what can be found online at archive.org -- the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society's publication.

An excerpt from Volume 71 of the NYGBS (text version as interpreted by an OCR reader - verify the accuracy with the link provided):

Fishkill Inscriptions

Ann Humphrey | Wife of Martin Wiltsie | Born Marc 14^^ 1733 |
Died April *" 14"" 1775 | Aged 42 years i month | Behold &: see all ye
who pass bye | As you are now So once Was I. | As I am Am Now So ye
Will Bee | Prepare for Death And Follow Me

Mistress Nancy Weeks | Born P^eb 26"" | 1712 | Died Aug 26"*
177S I Aged 66 years 6 mos An Honest Dame ; a frugal wife | we
greved Her much when she left this Lyfe.

Henry Wood ( Died November 19''' 1852 | Aged 52 years | The year
rolls round and steals away | The breath tha first it gave | Whate'er we
do-by night-or day | We hastening to the grave

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