19 September 2013

Sketch Of An Old-Fashioned Wedding Party

The description of an old-fashioned wedding can be found in the History of Washington County... .  Below is an excerpt from "...a sketch of an old-fashioned wedding party...".

"In the morning of the wedding day the groom and his attendants assembled at the house of his father for the purpose of reaching the mansion of his bride by noon, which was the usual time for celebrating the nuptials, which for certain must take place before dinner."

"The gentlemen dressed in..moccasins, leather breeches...(and) linsey hunting shirts... .

"The march, in double file, was often interrupted by the narrowness and obstructions of our horse-paths, as they were called, for we had no roads, and these difficulties were often increased, sometimes by the good and sometimes by the ill-will of neighbors, by felling trees and tying grape-vines across the way. Sometimes an ambuscade was formed by the wayside, and an unexpected discharge of several guns took place, so as to cover the wedding party with smoke."

"The feasting and dancing often lasted for several days."

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